زغب السعر الأصلي هو: $15.99.السعر الحالي هو: $9.99.
العودة إلى المنتجات
جنية السعر الأصلي هو: $15.99.السعر الحالي هو: $9.99.

أزرق أكوا عاري رمادي

السعر الأصلي هو: $37.99.السعر الحالي هو: $15.99.

(72 مراجعة)

10 ل $99.00 دولار أمريكي ⚡️($9.99/زوج)

  • يحصل 3 مقابل السعر 2
  • يحصل 6 مقابل السعر 3
  • يحصل 8 مقابل السعر 4

14.0 مم

يتم شراؤها معًا بشكل متكرر

السعر الأصلي هو: $37.99.السعر الحالي هو: $15.99.
السعر الأصلي هو: $36.99.السعر الحالي هو: $18.99.
السعر الأصلي هو: $12.00.السعر الحالي هو: $0.00.
السعر الأصلي هو: $46.98.السعر الحالي هو: $34.98.
لعناصر 3
  • محتوى الماء: 40%

  • المواد: هيما

  • منحنى القاعدة: 8.6 مم

  • السمك: 0.08 مم

  • القطر: 14.0 ملم

  • فترة الاستخدام: 12 شهرًا

  • التعبئة: زوج واحد (عدستين) + حافظة عدسات

*تحديث العبوة. سيتم شحن العبوات الجديدة والقديمة بشكل عشوائي.

*العدسات ذات ألوان العيون المختلفة ستظهر تأثيرات مختلفة. الصور للإشارة فقط.

يتم شحن الطلبات عادةً خلال 24 إلى 48 ساعة (باستثناء أيام العطلات الرسمية). يغطي نطاق الشحن الخاص بنا جميع أنحاء العالم. شحن مجاني للطلبات التي تزيد عن $29.99.

ما هي مدة الشحن؟✈️

إجمالي وقت التسليم = وقت المعالجة + وقت الشحن

وقت المعالجة: 1-3 أيام عمل (عادةً في غضون 24 ساعة، وسوف يتأخر إلى 48-72 ساعة خلال عطلة معينة.)

بعد إرسال الطرد، يكون وقت الوصول المقدر على النحو التالي:

  • الدولة وقت الشحن الخدمات اللوجستية
    الولايات المتحدة 9–15 يومًا الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    الولايات المتحدة 4-6 أيام Fedex Logistics
    المملكة المتحدة 6-9 أيام الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    كندا 10-18 يومًا الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    ألمانيا 6-10 أيام الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    إيطاليا 6-10 أيام الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    فرنسا 5-9 أيام الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    أسبانيا 8-10 أيام الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    أستراليا 10-18 يومًا الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    البرتغال 25-30 يومًا الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    الدول خارج أوروبا 15-20 يومًا. الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية

يعتمد وقت الشحن على عدة عوامل، مثل بلد المقصد والجمارك والطقس وما إلى ذلك، وهو أمر يصعب التحكم فيه حقًا. وهذا ما نعمل عليه طوال الوقت لتحسينه وتحسينه.

إذا لم تستلم الطرد لفترة طويلة، فقد يكون ذلك بمثابة فقدان للطرد، يرجى الاتصال بنا في الوقت المناسب، وسوف نتعامل مع الأمر نيابة عنك.


عند استلام الطرد، يرجى التحقق مما إذا كانت الطرد في حالة جيدة. إذا تلقيت منتجًا معيبًا، فسنقوم باستبداله مجانًا (تشمل العيوب: عدسة مكسورة أو مشاكل أخرى في الجودة)

إذا لم تكن راضيًا عن المنتج، فسوف نقوم باستبداله بطراز آخر مجانًا.
البريد الإلكتروني: service@unicornsbeauty.كوم

1. قبل ارتدائها لأول مرة، يرجى نقع العدسات في محلول متعدد الأغراض للعدسات اللاصقة لمدة 6 ساعات على الأقل.

2. يرجى إزالة العدسات قبل النوم.

3. يرجى عدم ممارسة أي رياضات مائية أثناء ارتداء العدسات.

4. اغسل يديك دائمًا قبل ارتداء العدسات اللاصقة أو إزالتها أو التعامل معها.

5. اشطف عدساتك وافركها كل يومين إلى ثلاثة أيام لمنع ترسب البروتين الذي يضر بالعينين.

6. قومي بإدخال العدسات قبل وضع المكياج حول العينين، وخلع العدسات قبل إزالة المكياج.

7. العدسات اللاصقة ليست مقاسًا واحدًا يناسب الجميع، لذا يرجى مراجعة أخصائي العناية بالعيون للتأكد من أن المعايير مناسبة لعينيك قبل الشراء.

هل أنت جديد على العدسات اللاصقة الملونة؟

قم بزيارة موقعنا الارتداء والعناية دليل لمزيد من التفاصيل.

72 مراجعة لـ Aqua Naked Blue Grey

  1. Edna Jimenez
    يناير 7, 2024
    I saw this brand from a TikTok ad and thought hey why not. I'm SUPER impressed by how these enhanced my natural eye color. I wanted something subtle b...أكثر
    I saw this brand from a TikTok ad and thought hey why not. I'm SUPER impressed by how these enhanced my natural eye color. I wanted something subtle but noticeable, comfortable and I got just that. They don't have that super fake look to them either.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Katerina K.
    ديسمبر 30, 2023
    Bright, beautiful light blue col...أكثر

    Bright, beautiful light blue colour. Don't mind the filter, it's still a real representation of the contacts. Very realistic and comfortable as well.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Mary E.
    ديسمبر 17, 2023
    These are the best, most comfy contacts I’ve ever had. They don’t dry out easily, and though I buy a pair every 6 months if taken proper care can de...أكثر

    These are the best, most comfy contacts I’ve ever had. They don’t dry out easily, and though I buy a pair every 6 months if taken proper care can defo go much longer so you can’t go wrong for the price! (Btw my eye color is a mix of green and mainly brown). Also with every purchase the packaging is super cute and always comes with a free lenses case and a pocket mirror, and other lil freebies which I really love :)

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    12 ديسمبر 2023

    I love wearing this lens. It is comfortable, very easy to wear and remove and looks natural.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Karla E.
    5 ديسمبر 2023
    Super pretty, I get compli...أكثر

    Super pretty, I get compliments on these all the time. The cover dark brown eyes great.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    27 نوفمبر 2023

    عدسات لاصقة مريحة للغاية وواضحة للغاية ولا تسبب لي صداعًا. أنسى دائمًا أنني أرتديها، فأنا أرتديها من الساعة 8 صباحًا حتى وقت النوم!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Michaela C.
    23 نوفمبر 2023
    My first ever contact lenses and I am obsesseddddd. Feel pretty comfy in my eyes. I have brown eye color but after wearing them it cant even...أكثر

    My first ever contact lenses and I am obsesseddddd. Feel pretty comfy in my eyes. I have brown eye color but after wearing them it cant even be seen haha

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Michelle White
    22 نوفمبر 2023
    Comfortable and pretty 🤩Love love love them.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    17 نوفمبر 2023

    I love the color ❤️ and how it blends in my brown eye, they are my favorites so far

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Rebecca W.
    16 نوفمبر 2023
    Such a beautiful and natural colour! I can’t say enough good things about this colour. They are comforta...أكثر

    Such a beautiful and natural colour! I can’t say enough good things about this colour. They are comfortable and do not dry out, even after 12 hours! I love the polar lights line !

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Latoya Wallace
    2 نوفمبر 2023
    I do not have the words to describe how incredibly beautiful these lenses are. I literally look forward to putting them in every morning.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Nolan N.
    2 نوفمبر 2023
    I got brown eyes and they are amazing They look natural and are really comfortable I love them! ...أكثر

    I got brown eyes and they are amazing They look natural and are really comfortable I love them!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    23 أكتوبر 2023

    So so natural. Color just like in pictures. Looooved!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Kassidy D.
    16 أكتوبر 2023
    I use this pair as a natural look; it's very subtle and tends to just lighten my natural colour (h...أكثر

    أستخدم هذا الزوج من الألوان كإطلالة طبيعية؛ فهو رقيق للغاية ويميل إلى تفتيح لوني الطبيعي (البندقي) قليلاً. مريح للغاية - لدرجة أنك تنسى وجوده!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Haleigh L.
    9 أكتوبر 2023

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the color!!!20/20 recommend thus the first time trying contacts and they were not uncomfortable as I thought it would be.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Racquel B.
    6 أكتوبر 2023

    The color blended well with my dark brown eyes!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Erica H.
    5 أكتوبر 2023
    These are so petty but to me they make my eyes just a little bit lighter. But they are still beautiful. When they are in the case, they have a hint of...أكثر
    These are so petty but to me they make my eyes just a little bit lighter. But they are still beautiful. When they are in the case, they have a hint of. Yellow.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Ava R.
    سبتمبر 27, 2023

    The color is very good. I have dark brown eyes but you can really see the color!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Jessica R.
    24 سبتمبر 2023

    I get a lot of compliments with these! They are perfect for my big eyes and overall just beautiful

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Biankha G.
    24 سبتمبر 2023
    These are super cute...أكثر

    These are super cute and I feel comfortable wearing them out because they don’t stand out too much and they look super natural.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Adriana M.
    12 سبتمبر 2023
    I love t...أكثر

    I love them! They look natural.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Ibtehal E.
    5 سبتمبر 2023
    love it the most natural on me everyon...أكثر

    love it the most natural on me everyone says it is my natural eye color

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Eduardo Salinas
    4 سبتمبر 2023
    Great color. Was surprisingly pleased with the these pair.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Veronica Morgan
    4 سبتمبر 2023
    Love the contacts! will be ordering more soon, Thank You
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    1 سبتمبر 2023
    I love the contacts most definitely buying more . Only thing you do have to wait like 2-3 weeks till they get delivered but other then that i really...أكثر

    I love the contacts most definitely buying more . Only thing you do have to wait like 2-3 weeks till they get delivered but other then that i really loved them.

    متعاون؟ 1 1
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Amy Lou
    30 أغسطس 2023
    First time wearing contacts. At first was uncomfortable because I’m not used to it. I had to google videos. Second time, it was comfortable and ...أكثر

    First time wearing contacts. At first was uncomfortable because I’m not used to it. I had to google videos. Second time, it was comfortable and got the hang of putting it on. Love the color and how it makes my eye pop in color. Made me feel pretty. Can’t wait to wear the other color lenses I got. Thanks!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Bailey R.
    29 أغسطس 2023
    I love how well it covers my dark eyes. It looks so natural and they are comfortable. ...أكثر

    I love how well it covers my dark eyes. It looks so natural and they are comfortable.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Bertha A.
    أغسطس 25, 2023

    I’m obsessed! It looks very natural and it feels comfortable. I’m definitely buying more!!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Sixxi F.
    4 أغسطس 2023

    Love love the color. So perfect

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Anne D.
    أغسطس 3, 2023

    They are very thin and comfortable.  Love it!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Asia R.
    22 يوليو 2023

    hey looked natural , love them !

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Yasire Raudez
    21 يوليو 2023
    I love them. They are very natural and very comfortable, and they arrived exactly when they said, I was able to follow the progress of my order with t...أكثر
    I love them. They are very natural and very comfortable, and they arrived exactly when they said, I was able to follow the progress of my order with the link and everything was very good. I recommend them 💯
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Amber Lo
    يوليو 18, 2023
    They are so comfortable to wear and they actually cover the brown color of my eyes. Usually colored ones don’t cover the color fully. Highly recomme...أكثر

    They are so comfortable to wear and they actually cover the brown color of my eyes. Usually colored ones don’t cover the color fully. Highly recommend them

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Michelle Guamán
    15 يوليو 2023
    They look very natural! They are a little lighter than the ones shown on the page but I loved them! It really covers your entire natural eye color
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Karen G.
    7 يوليو 2023
    I love the contacts most definit...أكثر

    I love the contacts most definitely buying more . Only thing you do have to wait like 2-3 weeks till they get delivered but other then that i really loved them.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Karyn Dingley
    3 يوليو 2023
    So far I am loving these contacts. My friends didn't notice at first but then said they were cool and looked natural.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Gigi G.
    3 يوليو 2023

    Very pretty, very natural. Comfortable, I can hardly tell I have contacts in.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    2 يوليو 2023
    The contacts are comfortable, the colour looks pretty.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Nu Elizabeth N.
    2 يوليو 2023

    I just love it so much!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Zina H.
    2 يوليو 2023

    Beautiful lenses! Very comfy

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Lucinda n.
    27 يونيو 2023
    These are comfortable! I didn't want to take them off. They're a greenish / greyish tone to it, it's pretty in lighting but in low lighting you can'...أكثر

    These are comfortable! I didn't want to take them off. They're a greenish / greyish tone to it, it's pretty in lighting but in low lighting you can't see much of the colors. I could wear it all day if I wanted to. I have dry eyes and these didn't make my dry eyes uncomfortable. They're not bad, it would be cool if it had bright blue in the lens that would make it stand out more.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Chanakan M.
    22 يونيو 2023

    I have a REALLY dark eyes and this colour shown brighter in my eyes ! Love it

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Jasmine G.
    16 يونيو 2023

    Love them! Really shows up on dark eyes,so comfortable!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Ula Y.
    12 يونيو 2023

    I’m totally amazed about how real they feel in my eyes. Extremely comfortable. Absolutely satisfied and I will be purchasing more soon.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    6 يونيو 2023

    Was a bit confused if it would suit my brown skin or not but this is now my most favourite pair! Comfortable as well.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Sadie L.
    4 يونيو 2023
    Absolutely love them!!I  do have dry eyes so they were weird at first but they are really comfortable to wear, can see p...أكثر

    Absolutely love them!!I  do have dry eyes so they were weird at first but they are really comfortable to wear, can see perfectly with them, definitely a must buy!!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Suleym M.
    25 مايو 2023
    Absolutely love the color. This is my 2nd pair of this color and I plan on buying more of the same...أكثر

    Absolutely love the color. This is my 2nd pair of this color and I plan on buying more of the same. The items are quality constructed and I have no problems with any of the contacts I purchase from Unicornsbeauty.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Latoya Wallace
    23 مايو 2023
    I love it. Very comfortable..extreme positive compliments.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Serena C.
    11 مايو 2023
    عدسات لاصقة مريحة للغاية وواضحة للغاية ولا تسبب لي صداعًا. أنسى دائمًا أنني أرتديها وأرتديها من الساعة 8 صباحًا حتى النوم...أكثر

    عدسات لاصقة مريحة للغاية وواضحة للغاية ولا تسبب لي صداعًا. أنسى دائمًا أنني أرتديها، فأنا أرتديها من الساعة 8 صباحًا حتى وقت النوم!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Lori M.
    5 مايو 2023

    Love these so much that I placed another order!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    5 مايو 2023
    I have larger eyes so it’s hard to find contacts that fit right and don’t slip around. These are the only brand of contacts that have ever...أكثر

    I have larger eyes so it’s hard to find contacts that fit right and don’t slip around. These are the only brand of contacts that have ever fit me and I am obsessed with this color! PLEASE NEVER STOP MAKING THESE!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Cassidy J
    3 مايو 2023

    These are the cheapest colored contacts with GREAT quality. The iris is kind live large so you do see your eye color around the pupil but they are amazing :)

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Joyce l.
    19 أبريل 2023
    Lovely contacts! ❤️ They are a little bigger and darker than my natural diameter of my iris but looking very natural. Are comfortable also! I recomm...أكثر

    Lovely contacts! ❤️ They are a little bigger and darker than my natural diameter of my iris but looking very natural. Are comfortable also! I recommend

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aileen C.
    5 أبريل 2023
    they work grea...أكثر

    they work great!! look so real

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    12 مارس 2023
    Amazing colors! I didn’t think they were going to look good but I was wrong, I loved them. Definitely buying more!
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Abbie L.
    9 مارس 2023

    The packaging was very nice. I loved the color.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Ellen Shugar
    1 مارس 2023
    Absolutely love my new contacts. Love my new eyecolor very comfortable will be buying more. I have dark brown eyes.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    1 فبراير 2023
    they look super natural on my bown eyes i love them
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    1 فبراير 2023

    Super comfy, the colour always shows up really well on camera. Dead easy to put in, these are some of my fave lenses.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Sadia Begum
    يناير 27, 2023
    Beautiful colour , they look very natural. These are the type of lenses that suit dark eyes and you can go light without looking washed out like a zom...أكثر
    Beautiful colour , they look very natural. These are the type of lenses that suit dark eyes and you can go light without looking washed out like a zombie. Compliments tan skin very well. Me and my friends /sisters are obsessed.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Jessica B.
    24 يناير 2023

    Fast shipping and super cute contact cases as a free gift!!!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Raquel Scibetta
    23 يناير 2023
    Love love love the way these make my eyes pop. Many compliments from complete strangers. Comfortable to wear. Tyvm
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Mehrab Noor
    23 يناير 2023
    I loved th colors thy r so national n thy r supper comfortable
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    Serena Y.
    يناير 8, 2023

    I have dark brown eyes and they look so amazing on top of them. They are extremely comfortable.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    I love them! They looks so natural I get compliments all of the time. 100 recommended
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    these contacts are amazing !! I am in love this was an amazing buy I do plan on buying more contacts from unicorns 10/10 recommend!!
    متعاون؟ 1 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    عازف مزمار
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    i love these! they look realistic even on my brown eyesthey are also very comfortable. would recommend!!
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    Im so happy with my purchase! Im naturally dark haired and dark eyed so I was worried they would look fake but its beautiful and looks so natural! ...
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    Love these contacts so much! Super comfortable and shows up on my brown eyes
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    super cute and comfortable!
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    I love them I get a lot of compliments by the contacts :) this is my second purchase of it IF U SEE THIS THIS IS YOUR SIGN TO GET THEM !
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Blue Grey photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    Beautiful contacts it was my first time trying eye contacts it fit very well and were so beautiful.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
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