مونيكا جراي السعر الأصلي هو: $23.98.السعر الحالي هو: $9.99.
العودة إلى المنتجات
بني فليشازو السعر الأصلي هو: $29.99.السعر الحالي هو: $9.99.

أكوا بني عارٍ

السعر الأصلي هو: $37.99.السعر الحالي هو: $15.99.

(70 مراجعة)

10 ل $99.00 دولار أمريكي ⚡️($9.99/زوج)

  • يحصل 3 مقابل السعر 2
  • يحصل 6 مقابل السعر 3
  • يحصل 8 مقابل السعر 4

14.0 مم

يتم شراؤها معًا بشكل متكرر

السعر الأصلي هو: $37.99.السعر الحالي هو: $15.99.
السعر الأصلي هو: $36.99.السعر الحالي هو: $18.99.
السعر الأصلي هو: $12.00.السعر الحالي هو: $0.00.
السعر الأصلي هو: $86.98.السعر الحالي هو: $34.98.
لعناصر 3
  • محتوى الماء: 40%
  • المواد: هيما
  • منحنى القاعدة: 8.5 مم
  • السمك: 0.08 مم
  • القطر: 14.0 ملم
  • فترة الاستخدام: 12 شهرًا
  • التعبئة: زوج واحد (عدستين) + حافظة عدسات

*تحديث العبوة. سيتم شحن العبوات الجديدة والقديمة بشكل عشوائي.

*العدسات ذات ألوان العيون المختلفة ستظهر تأثيرات مختلفة. الصور للإشارة فقط.

يتم شحن الطلبات عادةً خلال 24 إلى 48 ساعة (باستثناء أيام العطلات الرسمية). يغطي نطاق الشحن الخاص بنا جميع أنحاء العالم. شحن مجاني للطلبات التي تزيد عن $29.99.

ما هي مدة الشحن؟✈️

إجمالي وقت التسليم = وقت المعالجة + وقت الشحن

وقت المعالجة: 1-3 أيام عمل (عادةً في غضون 24 ساعة، وسوف يتأخر إلى 48-72 ساعة خلال عطلة معينة.)

بعد إرسال الطرد، يكون وقت الوصول المقدر على النحو التالي:

  • الدولة وقت الشحن الخدمات اللوجستية
    الولايات المتحدة 9–15 يومًا الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    الولايات المتحدة 4-6 أيام Fedex Logistics
    المملكة المتحدة 6-9 أيام الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    كندا 10-18 يومًا الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    ألمانيا 6-10 أيام الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    إيطاليا 6-10 أيام الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    فرنسا 5-9 أيام الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    أسبانيا 8-10 أيام الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    أستراليا 10-18 يومًا الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    البرتغال 25-30 يومًا الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية
    الدول خارج أوروبا 15-20 يومًا. الخدمات اللوجستية الافتراضية

يعتمد وقت الشحن على عدة عوامل، مثل بلد المقصد والجمارك والطقس وما إلى ذلك، وهو أمر يصعب التحكم فيه حقًا. وهذا ما نعمل عليه طوال الوقت لتحسينه وتحسينه.

إذا لم تستلم الطرد لفترة طويلة، فقد يكون ذلك بمثابة فقدان للطرد، يرجى الاتصال بنا في الوقت المناسب، وسوف نتعامل مع الأمر نيابة عنك.


عند استلام الطرد، يرجى التحقق مما إذا كانت الطرد في حالة جيدة. إذا تلقيت منتجًا معيبًا، فسنقوم باستبداله مجانًا (تشمل العيوب: عدسة مكسورة أو مشاكل أخرى في الجودة)

إذا لم تكن راضيًا عن المنتج، فسوف نقوم باستبداله بطراز آخر مجانًا.
البريد الإلكتروني: service@unicornsbeauty.كوم

1. قبل ارتدائها لأول مرة، يرجى نقع العدسات في محلول متعدد الأغراض للعدسات اللاصقة لمدة 6 ساعات على الأقل.

2. يرجى إزالة العدسات قبل النوم.

3. يرجى عدم ممارسة أي رياضات مائية أثناء ارتداء العدسات.

4. اغسل يديك دائمًا قبل ارتداء العدسات اللاصقة أو إزالتها أو التعامل معها.

5. اشطف عدساتك وافركها كل يومين إلى ثلاثة أيام لمنع ترسب البروتين الذي يضر بالعينين.

6. قومي بإدخال العدسات قبل وضع المكياج حول العينين، وخلع العدسات قبل إزالة المكياج.

7. العدسات اللاصقة ليست مقاسًا واحدًا يناسب الجميع، لذا يرجى مراجعة أخصائي العناية بالعيون للتأكد من أن المعايير مناسبة لعينيك قبل الشراء.

هل أنت جديد على العدسات اللاصقة الملونة؟

قم بزيارة موقعنا الارتداء والعناية دليل لمزيد من التفاصيل.

70 مراجعة لـ Aqua Naked Brown

  1. Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Loetha Partee
    يناير 9, 2024
    The first time I ordered from your company and I'm satisfied with my purchase and my contact lens. They are great and I will be ordering more from you...أكثر
    The first time I ordered from your company and I'm satisfied with my purchase and my contact lens. They are great and I will be ordering more from your company. Thank you so much. Have a nice day
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Keeza M.
    3 يناير 2024
    Super natural , lenses, i love it. ...أكثر

    Super natural , lenses, i love it.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    2 يناير 2024

    They very nice natural looking blue eyes make sure you take good care of them if you want them to last longer

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Alisson R.
    2 يناير 2024
    I have dark chocolate eyes & these make them so li...أكثر

    I have dark chocolate eyes & these make them so light and beautiful I love it!!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Karina A.
    23 ديسمبر 2023
    Loved it! I wanted something to give a pop of color to my eyes, but nothing that left me with that “glass eye” stare. These are perfect and SO COMFORT...أكثر
    Loved it! I wanted something to give a pop of color to my eyes, but nothing that left me with that “glass eye” stare. These are perfect and SO COMFORTABLE! My eyes are super sensitive, but I can wear these contacts with no issues at all <3
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    2 ديسمبر 2023
    I LOVE THEM!! 😍😍😍 They look super natural! The quality is good and the color may vary depending on the color of your iris. The packa...أكثر

    I LOVE THEM!! 😍😍😍 They look super natural! The quality is good and the color may vary depending on the color of your iris. The packaging is super nice.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    1 ديسمبر 2023

    They came in three weeks. I like them they are very natural.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    28 نوفمبر 2023
    I tried contacts first time an...أكثر

    لقد جربت العدسات اللاصقة لأول مرة وأعجبتني! مظهر مختلف وغير عادي للغاية، استمتعت بها، وأشاد بها الناس

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Yvette Garza
    26 نوفمبر 2023
    Absolutely love them so much I forgot I was wearing them. I have so many compliments about my eyes since I wear glasses no one really noticed the colo...أكثر
    Absolutely love them so much I forgot I was wearing them. I have so many compliments about my eyes since I wear glasses no one really noticed the color of my eyes in the past, so why wearing the contacts everyone was telling me oh my goodness your eyes look so light in the sun.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    25 نوفمبر 2023
    I’ve tried colored lenses before and they never lived up to my expectations. When I spotted this website and reviews of the lenses it sparked my cur...أكثر

    I’ve tried colored lenses before and they never lived up to my expectations. When I spotted this website and reviews of the lenses it sparked my curiosity again, which led me to ordering my first two pairs from here.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Diana G.
    25 نوفمبر 2023
    I love it.. Perfect color!!
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Kathryn Davis
    نوفمبر 19, 2023

    I love these contacts! They look so natural!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Alexandra B.
    2 نوفمبر 2023
    This is beautiful, it is very subtle though if you have very dark eyes like I do. It will make your eyes a lighter shade of brown and a little bigge...أكثر

    This is beautiful, it is very subtle though if you have very dark eyes like I do. It will make your eyes a lighter shade of brown and a little bigger and brighter. It’s very natural looking

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Natasha H.
    2 نوفمبر 2023
    Look so natural!!! ...أكثر

    Look so natural!!!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Abigail B.
    30 أكتوبر 2023

     This is the only contact lense I ever worn that is comfortable. I love it and looking forward to order another more.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    29 أكتوبر 2023
    Love this pair. Suuupper natural!!! Not too light as some reviewers mentioned! If you have brown eyes and you want to get just a bit lig...أكثر

    Love this pair. Suuupper natural!!! Not too light as some reviewers mentioned! If you have brown eyes and you want to get just a bit lighter effect go for this one!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    21 أكتوبر 2023
    Super natural love them!!! Everyone think it’s my real eyes😍 recommend!!  They last super long!! Can use it for a whole year.. ...أكثر

    Super natural love them!!! Everyone think it’s my real eyes😍 recommend!!  They last super long!! Can use it for a whole year..

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Katharine n.
    3 أكتوبر 2023
    I like these a lot! Lens is better than I expected! It feels really comfortable. Customer service was very professional and understood my needs. Wou...أكثر

    I like these a lot! Lens is better than I expected! It feels really comfortable. Customer service was very professional and understood my needs. Would love to try other colors.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    3 أكتوبر 2023
    My eyes are dark brown. These brown contacts covered the green perfectly. And they look very natural, too! Very happy with the purchase and will try o...أكثر
    My eyes are dark brown. These brown contacts covered the green perfectly. And they look very natural, too! Very happy with the purchase and will try out other colors.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    2 أكتوبر 2023
    feels comfortable in my eye, and looks so natural! it took me a while to put on but th...أكثر

    feels comfortable in my eye, and looks so natural! it took me a while to put on but they look so good. I applied with the insertion object they provided.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Crista Heckman
    26 سبتمبر 2023
    These are my go to color. I love them and how they cover my almost black brown eyes without ...أكثر

    These are my go to color. I love them and how they cover my almost black brown eyes without looking very unnatural.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    24 سبتمبر 2023
    LOVE THESE, definitely make your eyes pop, get a lot of compliments, these are also super comfortable, had no ...أكثر

    LOVE THESE, definitely make your eyes pop, get a lot of compliments, these are also super comfortable, had no idea anything was in my eyes, the delivery was also quick( about under 2 weeks ) I totally recommend this colour for people who have dark eyes like me !

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Elsa Perez
    21 سبتمبر 2023

    oved them and way cheaper

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    5 سبتمبر 2023

    That look so natural and I get compliments all the time in public

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    1 سبتمبر 2023

    I loved them even though they took a little longer to arrive but they met my expectations

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Ysabelle Cocio
    1 سبتمبر 2023
    I absolutely love these. Haven’t worn colored contacts in forever but I’m so glad these were my first colored pair in a wh...أكثر

    أنا أحب هذه العدسات اللاصقة تمامًا. لم أرتدي العدسات اللاصقة الملونة منذ فترة طويلة، ولكنني سعيدة للغاية لأنها كانت أول عدسات لاصقة ملونة أرتديها منذ فترة! العدسات اللاصقة التي أرتديها موصوفة طبيًا وحتى الآن فهي مريحة للغاية. أعتقد أنها تبدو طبيعية جدًا وهذا ما أردته.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    آمبر لو
    27 أغسطس 2023

    I absolutely love them they are super comfortable I am able to see with them on in fact I love them so much I just ordered 3 more pair!!!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    13 أغسطس 2023
    Have been ordering from here for the 3 times for my contacts and I have to say these are my favorite of all time and always orde...أكثر

    Have been ordering from here for the 3 times for my contacts and I have to say these are my favorite of all time and always order them, I’ve gotten a lot of compliments and many have thought these are my natural eye color!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    2 أغسطس 2023
    I recently purchased the Aqua Naked brown. The compliments I've received on my eye color are overwhelming and I love how these lenses enhance my f...أكثر

    I recently purchased the Aqua Naked brown. The compliments I've received on my eye color are overwhelming and I love how these lenses enhance my features without looking artificial. Comfort-wise, they feel lightweight and easy to wear throughout the day. Overall, I highly recommend these lenses for anyone looking to switch up their eye color with a touch of elegance!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Jakeline Huerta
    19 يوليو 2023
    The best!!! I like them and I'm still buying!! They are natural ones, they don't hurt and th...أكثر

    The best!!! I like them and I'm still buying!! They are natural ones, they don't hurt and they don't break, highly recommended!!!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Luke M.
    17 يوليو 2023

    I wasn't sure if the contacts would show the color over my really dark eyes but they work so nice!! and super easy to put in.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Kendrick De Villena
    12 يوليو 2023

    i love it! It looks so natural!!!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    8 يوليو 2023
    Love how this color looked on my natural brown eyes. It was a little more ...أكثر

    Love how this color looked on my natural brown eyes. It was a little more greenish gray color than brown. Everytime I wear them I get compliments all the time and they look so natural on me

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Pearl y.
    1 يوليو 2023

    The colour looks so good and natural. Love them.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    1 يوليو 2023
    They’re perfect i love them so much! ...أكثر

    They’re perfect i love them so much!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Kanesha Williamson
    1 يوليو 2023

    LOVE THEM WORTH EVERY PENNY, I’ll be back to buy more!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    28 يونيو 2023
    i love them!! natural looking and very pretty ...أكثر

    i love them!! natural looking and very pretty

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    22 يونيو 2023
    Love this color! The only prescribed color lenses I’ll ever wear!! ...أكثر

    Love this color! The only prescribed color lenses I’ll ever wear!!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    22 يونيو 2023

    They look so Natural on my dark brown eyes🥰😍

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    21 يونيو 2023
    These contacts are my favorite they are so cute and the color is amazing. They look very natural, and I get compliments on these all the...أكثر

    These contacts are my favorite they are so cute and the color is amazing. They look very natural, and I get compliments on these all the time!! :)

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Elizabeth L.
    17 يونيو 2023
    Feels like I’m Not wearing anything super lightweight.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    12 يونيو 2023
    Its light feels like I'm not wearing any contacts. Its comfortable and looks natural. Its worth the money. I wear it all day and it doesn't dry out ...أكثر

    Its light feels like I'm not wearing any contacts. Its comfortable and looks natural. Its worth the money. I wear it all day and it doesn't dry out on me. I love it!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    5 يونيو 2023

    They’re cute and comfortable

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    24 مايو 2023
    Love love this color, looks very realistic. these were so comfortable. ...أكثر

    Love love this color, looks very realistic. these were so comfortable.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Eulalia q.
    21 مايو 2023

    My natural eyes are a dark brown and this colour shows up very well! Beautiful colour :)

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Adrienne D.
    19 مايو 2023
    This color is so pretty! I love the way it looks indoors, it gives a very pretty hazelish color and looks very natural. Definitely on my repeat list a...أكثر
    This color is so pretty! I love the way it looks indoors, it gives a very pretty hazelish color and looks very natural. Definitely on my repeat list and as always super comfortable!
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Tia M
    5 مايو 2023
    First time ever wearing contacts. Wasn't too hard to put in or take out. Comfortale. ...أكثر

    First time ever wearing contacts. Wasn't too hard to put in or take out. Comfortale.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Meredith E.
    2 مايو 2023
    Feels comfortable in my eye, and looks so natural! it took me a while to put on but they look so good. I applied with the insertion object they provid...أكثر
    Feels comfortable in my eye, and looks so natural! it took me a while to put on but they look so good. I applied with the insertion object they provided.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Eudora K.
    1 مايو 2023
    Aqua Naked brown i have brown eyes and this is my first purchase from them, i always get compliments on my eyelooks and people cant tell my real eye...أكثر

    Aqua Naked brown i have brown eyes and this is my first purchase from them, i always get compliments on my eyelooks and people cant tell my real eyes and contact lenses apart. i take good care of them and they suit me very well. i have also ordered aqua naked blue and im waiting to receive it. recommend 100%

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    23 أبريل 2023

    My all time favorite... I am in love with them, very natural and comfortable!!!!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Mildred q.
    19 أبريل 2023
    From someone having darker eyes it was always hard finding good blue contacts that look natural but these, were the contacts i’ve been looking for, ...أكثر

    From someone having darker eyes it was always hard finding good blue contacts that look natural but these, were the contacts i’ve been looking for, forever!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    13 أبريل 2023
    Natural looking contacts they are my everyday wear.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    12 أبريل 2023
    They’re a little big on my eyes but honestly can’t really tell unless yo...أكثر

    They’re a little big on my eyes but honestly can’t really tell unless you’re super up close; you can tell in the picture I attached. But still so fun to wear and so comfortable! I wear prescription lens and I definitely will be purchasing more colors 💗

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Eden O
    4 مارس 2023
    Very happy,fast delivery ...أكثر

    Very happy,fast delivery

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    1 مارس 2023

    The colour looks so good and natural. they’re easy to put in and they’re not irritating at all

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    1 فبراير 2023

    أحب هذه الألوان! طبيعية للغاية ومذهلة على البشرة البنية!

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Jarell D.
    1 فبراير 2023

    Love them very natural and alot of compliments

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Italia Crosby
    24 يناير 2023

    Loved it, buying again

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    24 يناير 2023

    I like them, they look very natural

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    2 يناير 2023
    My first time purchasing from this company and it went very smoothly. My natural eye is a darker brown color and I wanted to lighten it ...أكثر

    My first time purchasing from this company and it went very smoothly. My natural eye is a darker brown color and I wanted to lighten it up, so I purchased this Aqua Naked Brown. I received them within 2 weeks and the company has great tracking.

    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    I really like how it looked and my eyes are really dark so Im surprised but yeah
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    KylaMac M.
    أكتوبر 21, 2021
    so natural like my own eyes. like it so much, 100% recommended
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    Love this !! Perfect match
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    I love them so much! They are the most natural that i have bought, going to buy again!
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    Natural looking and comfortable for hours!!!
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    Looked very natural & felt great
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    I really really like these they look so real and natural
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    Love these ones!! When buying I didnt see too many reviews with blue eyes so I didnt know how they would look, but for all my blue eyed people theyre ...أكثر
    Love these ones!! When buying I didnt see too many reviews with blue eyes so I didnt know how they would look, but for all my blue eyed people theyre super pretty and look stunning! Very light brown grey colour which I love! :)
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    Aqua Naked Brown photo review
    15 أكتوبر 2021
    I love how these contacts are very easy to apply and remove. I have received many compliments when I wear these vision brown color contacts.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
    Gwen G.
    يوليو 9, 2021
    ملاءمة مثالية! إنها مريحة للغاية وتشعر بالنعومة عند ملامستها.
    متعاون؟ 0 0
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